Sunday, January 6, 2013

Urban Outfitters Haul



Heart Jewellery Plate - £3 - in sale
Love necklace - £10
Heart Hole Puncher - £4
Blog inc Book - £7 in sale

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas/New year! I've spent the majority of my time ill in bed, I just can't seem to shift this cold! During this time, I've been browsing some lovely new blogs, keeping up to date on twitter and catching up on Vlogmas videos, thank goodness for social media! 

I saw this gorgeous necklace on Kim from Love Cloth's blog (one of the amazing new blogs I've discovered recently). Luckily they still had it available online so I thought I would treat myself and buy a few bits from the sales! I think I got some quite good bargains, the heart plate is actually bigger than I thought it would be and perfect for storing my everyday jewellery. Good for £3! I'm not quite sure of my reasoning behind buying this heart hole punch, its just so cute and I'm sure Pinterest can help me come up with some good uses for it! Please feel free to leave your Pinterest links below, I'm addicted to it at the moment! Mine is missophie7  :) 

Finally I bought the Blog Inc book, I'm always looking for ways to improve my blog and this seems like a really interesting read!