Wednesday, December 31, 2014



Happy New Year! 

I feel like 2014 has gone passed so quickly! 
In 2014 I bought my first Chanel (La Diva Lipstick), discovered candy floss grapes, doughnut peaches and fell in love with peonies. The Summer passed me by in a haze of humid sleepless nights and sweltering hot days until we could escape up north for a while to enjoy the cool sea air, snow capped Scottish mountains and great company of family. Autumn, my favourite season was spent drinking cinnamon hot chocolates, crafting little pumpkins and watching Harry potter by candlelight. December was full of feasting, fairy lights and festivities which ended on my happiest moment of the year - getting engaged!

After reading Michelle's lovely post I've decided to write a list of goals for the year 2015, I think it's such a great idea to write down some goals as guidance throughout the year to stay on track to keeping happy, healthy and following my dreams. Here are my goals for the year 2015:

Take time to read more.
Learn how to bake bread, well.
Photograph the stars.
Organise my dressing table.
Take a photography course.
Move more.
(Continue to) Write daily gratitude lists every morning.
Learn the entire words to an album.
Find time to knit.
Make things.
Start saving for our wedding, honeymoon and a home of our own.
Visit a farmers market weekly to eat organic food and in season.
Listen to more music/Invest in a Roberts radio.

Thank you so much for reading my blog and leaving me such nice comments throughout 2014. I'm really grateful for all the kind words, support and lovely people that I've met through blogging. 

I hope you have a happy new year, have you got any resolutions?

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