Wednesday, January 14, 2015



Having a dressing table is quite a new thing for me, usually I would just sit crossed legged on the floor, surrounded by products and have to get up to rummage through my Alex drawers if I ever wanted to switch up my make up. 

I got the Ikea Malm dressing table for Christmas and I'm already in love. It's such a pretty area which really inspires me and makes reaching for and applying my make up a dream. Also, i've been using a lot more of my make up since having my Malm dressing table and so have made some great rediscoveries. 

Although it's nowhere near perfected, I already love the way its coming together. I've been spending my evenings watching make up storage videos and reading dressing table blog posts to gather some idea's for mine.

I used Nouvelle Daily's post to DIY some storage inserts, it makes the drawer look so neat and organised. So far I've sorted through all of my eyeshadows, lipsticks and blushers to pull out my favourites before organising them into the drawer inserts and the acrylic storage on top. 

I sprayed the legs on my mirror a rose gold colour to personalise it slightly, I really love having golden touches and this fits in perfectly with the look I'm trying to achieve. Lastly I arranged my Real techniques, MAC, No7 and bdellium tools brushes into a muji acrylic desk pot and organised the sections into powder brushes, face brushes and eyeshadow/highlighting brushes so that I can reach them easily for daily use. 

I still have a long way to go but I'm happy with how it's starting to all come together. I've got my eye on some Muji acrylic storage to sit on top and I want to get some rifle paper cards or instagram print outs to stick up for inspiration and to brighten things up a little.

What do you think of my dressing table set up so far?

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