Friday, January 30, 2015



I can't believe I've had this little space on the internet for four years now!

For the past four years I've been so in love with blogging but It's only really been over the past year that I've been able to focus a lot more on my blog. Due to some health issues, I've been at home a lot more and so have really been able to put my all into my blog. I really am so grateful for blogging, the nice comments and the lovely community. I can't believe that collectively around 1,500 of you follow my beauty blog, it's so incredible to me and I really am truly grateful.

I've also spoken to so many lovely people through blogging, Stephanie was the first ever commenter on my blog and now I'm lucky enough to be able to contribute towards the beauty section of her amazing website, Chalk Kids.

I'm so grateful to have a kind boyfriend who sits there patiently with his stomach growling whilst I take a hundred photos of food before he can delve in, big french doors that give me great natural light for photos and for such a lovely community of bloggers who read and comment on my blog posts.

I've been thinking a lot recently whether to do a little 3 part blogging series on my blog but I'm not sure it's something that anyone would be interested in? Also, there are so many amazing blog guides and series out there at the moment, I've been particularly loving Michelle's blogging with daisybee series!

I'm off to celebrate my blog birthday with a big bowl of cinnamon caramel porridge and I might bake some of Hugh's Chocolate Chip Cookies (the best!) later in honour of the occasion!

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