Thursday, January 22, 2015



January's frosts, bitter cold days, dark mornings and even darker nights can lead towards feeling a bit blue. The fairy lights and festive decorations have been packed away for another year and winter can bring a slump in energy which can leave you feeling a little down. Here are a few things that I make sure to do to keep me happy throughout winter.

1. Eat well - I think it's so important to eat well during winter to keep your spirits high and your immune system in check. One of my favourite uplifting things to eat is a hot, warming butternut squash, sage and ginger soup - the butternut squash gives you a boost of vitamin c, sage helps with anxiety and depression and ginger helps when your feeling a bit run down or for winter colds. I also love buying fresh berries rich in vitamin C and antioxidants such as blueberries and strawberries plus I like to buy little treats to make me happy like Mini eggs!

2. Treat yourself - Whether it be a cosy night in with a large hot chocolate, a long bubble bath or buying an item that you've wanted for ages, I think it's important to give yourself a little treat every now and then. I always buy myself a new planner or diary from paperchase so that I can keep organised and note down any exciting things I have planned or goals I have for the new year. I've also had the Hourglass blush palette and the Zoeva rose gold brush set in my online shopping basket for months and I think now is the perfect time to make a purchase!

3. Plan something - Whether it's an upcoming holiday, meeting up for coffee with a friend or planning a Pinterest wedding, planning something exciting can help to keep you focused on the positives. I read a while ago that the actual planning and anticipation of an exciting event can be more beneficial to you than the actual event itself, I'm not sure how true this is but I absolutely love planning and organising. Searching for a wedding/honeymoon destination is definitely going to make me happy this winter!

4. Get outside/exercise - A brisk walk around the block early on a sunny, frosty morning can really help to wake you up and motivate you. I have such a love/hate relationship with exercise but when I do work out it really does make me feel generally happier. Rather than sticking to a strict workout routine sometimes I find its best to just stick on some music and dance around the kitchen for half an hour!

5. Bright colours - Whether its a huge bunch of fresh yellow tulips to brighten up the home, a bright pink lipstick or even painting your nails in a brighter shade, I find that introducing a bit of colour to your home/routine can really make you feel a bit happier. I've pulled out Essie Mint Candy Apple to paint on my nails and Revlon colorburst matte balm in Showy for a burst of colour to my lips.

I absolutely love winter and although January can sometimes make me feel a bit down I try and focus on the good things to stay happy. The possibility of snow, first whispers of spring and cosy nights in keep me feeling happy and positive throughout winter.

What makes you happy in winter?

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