Friday, April 3, 2015


I've made these Mars rice crispy cakes at Easter for the past 4 or 5 years now. It's become a bit of a tradition for me to make them every year as they're so delicious and perfect for Easter!
The addition of the caramel and nougat from the Mars bars make them so heavenly, they're sticky, chocolatey, sweet and so unbelievably moorish!

Here's how I make them;

3 Mars bars
85g Butter
2 tbsp Golden syrup
4-5 cups of Rice Crispies

Makes around 12 rice crispy cakes.

1. Chop the mars bars into small-ish chunks, pop into a pan with the butter and golden syrup and melt at a low heat until well mixed and almost smooth.

2. Remove from the heat and stir in rice crispies, I add enough for them to be evenly coated, around 4-5 cups.

3. Spoon into cupcake moulds pressing them down lightly so that they stick and hold together.

4. Pop on a few cadburys mini eggs and leave to set!

5. Enjoy!

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