Friday, April 24, 2015


bad day
Even with the most positive mindset I think that it's only human to have a few bad days every now and then. I've had my fair share of bad days recently, here's a few things I like to do to lift my mood:

~ Have a Lush bath - Avobath (which contains uplifting lemongrass and bergamot oils) is great for morning baths, Twilight (infused with calming lavender oils) for evening baths.
~ Paint your nails with Essie glitter.
~ Read Harry Potter/your favourite book.
~ Indulge on your favourite treat - strawberries, doughnuts, chocolate, macaroni cheese & pizza.
~ Look up at the sky/stars.
~ Breathe.
~ Watch this video.
~ ...or your favourite feel good film, for me it's The Holiday, every time.
~ Drink hot chocolate topped with cinnamon and marshmallows (I love these vegetarian ones)
~ Have a pamper evening.
~ Write a gratitude list - 10 small everyday things that you're grateful for.
~ Exercise - even if its dancing along to the radio with the curtains closed!
~ Go outside.
~ Or stay in and get lost on Pinterest for hours.
~ Build a fort and fill it with fairy lights.
~ Watch Friends, laugh a lot.
~ Call someone.
~ Remember this - nothing is/has to be permanent. 

What are your tips for a bad day?

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