Friday, January 27, 2017

Making Health A Priority

This year I'm planning a slow transition into hopefully permanent, healthier lifestyle changes. I don't want to jump all in straight away, instead by making small alterations I'm hoping to adopt better habits in the long run, starting with a few small steps. Here's 10 ways that I'm planning on making my health a priority this year.

1. Lower my sugar intake. This is a big one for me, I have such a sweet tooth! I'm not quite planning on saying goodbye to chocolate altogether, but I really want to make more mindful choices - a square of dark chocolate instead of a bar of cadburys, using coconut sugar or maple syrup instead of sugar (I actually prefer the taste too!). I'm planning on researching ways to lower my blood sugar levels and finding alternatives to keep that mid day slump/sugar cravings at bay.

2. Snack wisely. Swap out crisps for a handful of nuts, try melon cubes or dried apricots for something sweet or kale crisps to crunch on!

3. Take 10 minutes before bed for mindfulness. The app has a few helpful breathing exercises to follow, headspace is great too.

4. Sleep more. Aim for 8 hours. Go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier too, use deep sleep spray and invest in good bedding - find the perfect pillow!

5. Take vitamins every day. Along with my daily probiotic, take multivitamins and a spritz of vitamin d spray, especially in the winter.

6. Schedule time for yoga. Whether it's a class or following Yoga with Adrienne I want to invest in a new mat (love this peach one, or this blush pick!) and start stretching again!

7. Adopt a mainly vegan diet, learn about nutrition - about what I'm putting into my body. I love flicking through the Eat Pretty Every Day book for daily inspiration!

8. Be strong, build strength. Start slowly with kettlebell routines!

9. Add more protein to my diet. There are so many vegan options, I just don't really utilise them as love veggies so much! I'm so guilty of choosing carbs or vegetables instead of protein, something I really want to change this year.

10. Aim for 20 minutes (or an episode of Parks & Rec) of cycling on my exercise bike a day.

Have you made any health/fitness goals this year?

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