Sunday, January 15, 2017

Tackling The Winter Blues

Around this time of the year, the bitterly cold days tend to dampen spirits and Christmas seems a mere memory as everything falls back into routine. You probably know by now, I actually love autumn and winter and tend to feel blue in summer instead, here's a few ways that I stay happy during the frozen winter months!

Stay Cosy & Warm
Winter is for nesting, hibernating under blanket forts with hot spiced tea laced with honey. Hot water bottles are a must, ideal to tuck under your sheets to keep you toasty at night!
Take long Lush baths and hang button up pyjamas on the radiatiors to stay snug, dressing gowns are ideal too - I practically live in this one! Enjoy candles, cute thermal socks and crackling fires to keep warm and cosy!

Embrace Winter
It's easy to get excited about the prospect of a new season (I'm so looking forward to fresh blooms, pastels and mini eggs!) but don't banish winter comforts just yet. Keep fairylights out, drink hot chocolates, burn scented candles and build up a good repertoire of comforting, healthy dishes (I love Jess's vegan picks here). If it's snowing, bundle up in layers, head outside and look up - it's magical! Frost bitten mornings present incredible photo opportunities, take advantage of crisp sunny days too, to top up on vitamin d!

Buy A Cute New Notebook.
To write down your plans, hopes, goals or dreams. I love to write lists - of books to buy, new releases to look forward to, gratitude lists or of course, shopping lists! These Fantastic Beasts Notebooks are adorable, gorgeous little books for noting down snippets and ideas!

Fresh Air
Simply stepping outside on a winter's morning to watch the sunrise is enough to lift your spirits! Watch the sparkling frost as the sun rises - just make sure to keep warm! Pop out to pick up a bunch of fresh flowers, gaze at the stars or head out in the whirlwind of snow flurries on snowy days.

Something New
Treat yourself to something new, it could be as simple as a fresh new mani or new herbal tea. Start a new hobby - try knitting (really want to make a giant chunky knitted blanket!), flower pressing or try your hand at calligraphy. Or, indulge in a little online shopping, have an Asos spree, (how cute is this ruffle top!) buy some new homeware or make a lil Topshop order, I love this pretty blush jumper!

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How do you stay happy in January?

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