Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year Goals 2017

1. Schedule in a little down time every day. Whether it's half an hour of reading, knitting, lighting a candle & watching an episode of Gilmore Girls or taking a long lush bath - take time to do something I love every single day.

2. Make health a priority. Cut down on chocolate, adopt a mainly vegan diet and dedicate time to learning about nutrition!

3. Stick to an exercise routine, stretch, get strong and set goals. 

4. Be happier. Laugh more, give more and care less.

5. Join a yoga class, to meet new people and for an excuse to invest in some cute workout gear!

6. Learn/master calligraphy. It's something that I'm hilariously bad at! I think it has something to do with the fact that I forced myself to write neatly by leaning on my ring finger (instead of the middle finger) when I was at school, my swirly everyday handwriting benefits from it, holding a Calligraphy pen, not so much!

7. Create a serene environment in my bedroom with luxe, billowy bedding and delicate string lighting, to help me to drift off and achieve 8 hours of sleep a night. I've just downloaded the app to use before bed, it's such a great way to wind down!

8. Stay positive and keep a bright mindset, I swear by The Magic book, it's been a favourite of mine for years!

9. Update my living room, introduce oak, brass, marble and rose quartz pieces.

10. Write. Dedicate some time to writing down notes, dreams, snippets, poems or to work on that throwaway book that I attempted to draft years ago!

Happy New Year! What are your New Year Goals?

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